Presale V1 Details:

🔸 1 BNB = 25,000 $MGED
🔸 Softcap = 250 BNB
🔸 Hard cap = 500 BNB
🔸 Min contribution 0.2 BNB
🔸 Max contribution 10 BNB
🔸 Reward Contribution 10%
🔸 Referral Reward 5%

📌 Listing price 1 BNB = 10.200 MGED
📌 Liquidty lock 80%

25% $MGED of contribution will immediately received to participate $MGED address before listing.



Moonpet Legend

Moonpet Legend is a platform that integrates NFT games and decentralized yield farm utilization where anyone can earn tokens through playing the game.